While waiting for the release of the 47438 Tamiya Super Storm Dragon, based on the classic Tamiya Hornet chassis, another too long ongoing project was waiting to be finished.
The Grasshopper II. Back in the days, the Grasshopper II was not really my cup of tea. But today i see it from another point of view. Especially the “Super G” version, which was available on some markets is a really cool car. So, the plan was to re-create that version. The “Super G” came with a 540er motor instead of the stock 380 motor. Friction shocks were also changed to the cool C.V.A. ones. Yellow Fox/Wild One style wheels and Avante/Supershot Spike tires for the rear and Super Hornet style front pin spike tires. The tires, shocks, and motor (we used a 540 Black Sport Tuned) weren´t really a problem. But the yellow wheels aren´t impossible to find nowadays. So we made our own using the classic Tamiya Nylon Parts Coloring Set No. 53130. The wheels came out very well. Tamiya TS-76 Mica Silver was used for the body, to give the buggy a more professional look. With the modern ESC, Sport Tuned motor, and digital servo, the “Super G” is a really good performer for such an basic entry level car.
Enjoy !

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