Rivkin and Maifield Highlight Fantastic 2019 Manufacturer’s Cup!

With so many races on the schedule these days, what makes one race stand out from the rest? What makes one better than the next and excites interest enough and to make you want to join in on the action? There’s no simple answer to this question, but having a killer track is definitely one of the bigger factors and with the 2019 Manufacturers Cup held at Amain’s Silver Dollar R/C Raceway, you can rest assured that the track it’s going to be one of the best in the business as Kevin Jelich’s tracks are legendary.

The Silver Dollar R/C Raceway facility is awesome and designed to suit every racer’s need in all aspects. Tables, chairs, onsite power, water, and air compressors make for a great 1/8th racing experience that’s easy yet professional and fun. There’s probably isn’t a better-built driver stand in all the land that’s stable, spacious, and of course, wheelchair accessible.

There’s not many that can do it better. Time and time again, Kevin Jelich produces one of the best tracks to drive on that’s never short on flow, jumps, and elevation changes requiring drivers to use all of their abilities and test their skills to the max. One feature that was quite unique was the section just in front of the driver’s stand called “Daytona”, as it was shaped in an oval and dipped down and crossed over the lane. This made the starts a little more tricky, but the actual cross-over was done right and very easy to clear without much effort. The other positive is that crossover jumps tend to be a bit dangerous for corner marshals, but there were zero worries with this one.

Overall, Kevin and his crew did a mighty fine job and as a result, overall entries were over 200 and people were genuinely excited to run their cars on the killer track at Silver Dollar R/C Raceway. In time, the Manufacturers Cup is going to get bigger as more racers experience the event and hear about all the fun their buddies had who went to the event.

Pro 4 SCT Results

Pro 4 SCT Podium
1st – Rick Burgard
2nd – Marcus Plumlee
3rd – Casey Nydahl


Etruggy Podium
1st – Marcus Plumlee
2nd – Jason Walters
3rd – Casey Nydah

Open Ebuggy

Open Ebuggy Podium
1st – Bryce Beaver
2nd – Jeff Wittman
3rd – Dominic Favorito

Open Nitro Buggy

Open Nitro Buggy Podium
1st – Nick Wautlet
2nd – Daniel Blalock
3rd – McCoy Starkey

Open Nitro Truggy

Open Nitro Truggy Podium
1st – Nick Wautlet
2nd – Jermaine Robinson
3rd – Bryce Beaver

40+ Ebuggy

40+ Ebuggy Podium
1st – Jeff Wittman
2nd – Todd Pearson
3rd – Dominic Favorito

40+ Nitro Buggy

40+ Nitro Buggy Podium
1st – Richard Saxton
2nd – Ronda Drake
3rd – Dennis Wilson

40+ Nitro Truggy

40+ ETruggy Podium
1st – Brian Curran
2nd – Kerry Lemos
3rd – Marc Robinson

Pro Ebuggy

With Ryan Maifield and Adam Drake choosing not to run Pro Ebuggy this year, this class quickly turned into the Young Gun’s race as most of the top drivers are under or barely 20’s. With a slow start to his weekend, AE/JConcepts’ Spencer Rivkin was on fire when it counted most and finished out Pro Ebuggy on top with 2 wins and a 2nd place finish to earn himself the overall win. Saturday’s overnight leader, AE/JConcepts’ Alex Kosciuszek, looked fast all weekend and was able to match Spencer’s speed and finished 2nd overall, which isn’t bad for a full-time college kid! Kyosho’s Mason Eppley was also fast and got the race #2 win which greatly helped him finish 3rd overall.

Winning Product Used

Most of the entire team used green and blue compound Stalker tires for 1/8th Nitro and Ebuggy accompanied with the awesome Silencer body made specifically for the Team Associated RC8 B3.1 cars.

Pro Nitro Buggy

What a race it was in the Pro Nitro Buggy class as the two Arizona’s best went head to head. Mugen/JConcepts’ Ryan Maifield was dominant on day 1, but AE/JConcepts’ Spencer Rivkin up’d his game on Sunday and was able to beat out Maifield on the tie-breaker when it came down to best score. Since both drivers had identical results of two wins and one 2nd place finish, the tie-breaker came down to single fastest run with Spencer taking the win. Mugen’s Adam Drake came in 3rd with a total of 9 points.

Winning Products Used

Tire of choice wasn’t much different for Ebuggy and Pro Nitro Buggy as most of the entire team used green compound to start and blue compound when the track got hotter and more grip. Stalker tires for 1/8th Nitro and Ebuggy was the ticket and surprisingly, Spencer, Alex, and Maifield all used the S15 body that’s a drop fit for the Mugen MBX8. With a little trimming, the body can fit the RC8 as well.

Tires – Stalker Tires #3017-05
Body – S15 Body #0387

Pro Nitro Truggy

The Pro Nitro Truggy class was dominated by Mugen Seiki/JConcepts’ Ryan Maifield after taking the best 3 of 4 runs to count the total score, Maifield claimed victory with three 1st place finishes and a perfect score. Wrapping up 2nd place was AE/JConcepts’ Alex Kosciuszek with 1st time truggy racer, Broc Champlin finishing 3rd making it a JConcepts podium sweep!

++ Winning Products Used ++

The JConcepts Triple Dees truggy tires quickly became the dominant tire of choice as they provided excellent grip and that fast, looser feel to help get the big trucks to rotate better. Of course, the body that rocks them all, the Finnisher Truggy body was in full force as the top 3 drivers all opted for this legendary body.

Tires – Triple Dee Truggy Tires #3140
Wheels – JConcepts Bullet Wheels (#3357)
Foams – JConcepts Dirt Tech 1/8th buggy foams (#3233)
Body – Mugen Finnisher Truggy Body #0335
Truggy Body – AE Finnisher Truggy Body #0311

JConcepts Monster and Mega Tour

Kaden Fuller and Paul Ciccarello Double at the AMS10!