JConcepts – B6 | B6D One-Piece Wing Mount And Wedge

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JConcepts has added a new item to the Shapeways store for B6 | B6D owners. The one-piece rear wing mount and wing wedge offers a fresh looking design with functionality and durability which is useful to the popular vehicle. The mount resists unwanted twisting or tweaking while being able to adjust wing position very quickly in 4 different positions. Braced in the middle, the “seat” area carries some inspiration from 1:1 racing while the center divider brings the piece together for solid construction, fit and finish.

The item is being offered in the Shapeways store as an early option to team drivers and consumers racing the Team Associated B6 or B6D.

About this Product:

JConcepts offers the one-piece rear wing mount for the B6 | B6D line of vehicles. The single unit has several benefits over the original design in terms of functionality and consistency. The JConcepts mount features 4 adjustment holes to move the wing fore and aft making it extremely versatile trackside or in the pits. The bridge between mounts offers a design inspiration from some 1:1 applications featuring a “seat” area with stabilization fin carried underneath which extends rearward in advantageous position.

The one-piece design is durable and maintains an upright position without the twist or tweak the stock mount is known to have. Tested by Jason Ruona, the mount can be used with or without the wing wedge which is available separately in the Shapeways store. The wedge can raise the wing position or rotated to eliminate kick-up for a more flat wing profile or appearance.

Wing Mount

Wing Wedge

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